Each player in Dota 2 has an assigned MMR. It stands for MatchMaking Ranking and increases every time you win a ranked match. Each loss will cause it to decrease. A lot of players give it their best to increase their MMR but they fail. The reason is that they are doing it wrong. Here are some tips if you want to increase your MMR.

Watch, watch, and watch some more

Watching professional players will let you learn better techniques in the game. You can download replays from a professional game and watch it as often as you want. Study how the players are taking the farm out in the early stage. Watching plenty of live games where professional players queue for ranked matches will also be helpful. You can learn and understand a lot of methods by watching. Some do creep pulling when the lane is going against their favor. You can also be familiar when to decide you are ready for a team fight. Learning how multiple-skill builds and item builds work in various scenarios is crucial.  These methods will boost MMR and will improve your playing method.

How MMR Boosting Services Works

Play, play, and play even more

Another way to increase MMR in Dota 2 is to start playing more games. One or two games a day might not be enough to increase your MMR fast. You may be lucky for the first day but can end up losing the second day. It will leave you standing right where you started on day 1. If you play more than five or seven games a day, you will have better chances. You may lose some but you will learn from your mistakes and will perform better. You can then regain your lost MMR and even increase it once you get better.

Ignore the haters

You will usually receive hate from your teammates when you are having a bad start in a game. They can annoy you so much to prevent you from coming back into the game. What you need to do when this happens is to focus. Focus on your game and mute the negativity in the game. You can think of more strategy when you stay focused.

Increasing MMR in Dota 2 may not be easy but a lot of players already did it and more are continuing to do it. Do not give up when nothing great seems to be happening. Be patient and focus on improving your game.

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